The National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) was released in November of 2011 and will be implemented in many..

Building Energy Efficient Doesn’t Cost – It PAYS!
The environmental benefits of Passive and Net Zero buildings are numerous. These buildings promote and protect ecosystems, improve indoor air..

‘Home of Tomorrow’ chooses Quik-Therm Insulation
Kelowna, BC is the home of the “Wilden Living Lab,” whereby two homes will be constructed side by side and..

Rigid Insulation: Extruded Polystyrene Foam
Continuous Insulation In an attempt to make homes and buildings more energy efficient and curb heat loss, many contractors and..

Best Below Grade Insulation – Quik-Therm Sub-grade Insulation (SGI)
Basically there are three types of foam insulations suitable for below grade applications. They are expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded polystyrene..

Quik-Therm in the Kelowna Newspaper
Quik-Therm has once again been published in the local newspaper. This time, the Kelowna Courier has done an article on..

“Home of Tomorrow” Video Promo
Wilden’s “Home of Tomorrow” has completed installing Quik-Therm Connect, and is now ready for cladding. During the process, Wilden asked Derek..

Mineral Wool Insulation is Not Green, Sustainable or Environmentally Friendly
White paper published in June 2019

Insulating a Basement is Like Baking a Cake
The vast majority of homebuilders, renovators, contractors and homeowners have a socially constructed misconception about insulation in basements. This misconception..

Quik-Therm™ Insulation and Net-Zero Homes
Quik-Therm™ Insulation has been involved in several passive and net-zero homes in Edmonton. In basements, Quik-Therm achieves an effective R-40..