Basements have issues! They get wet in a variety of ways; flooding, plumbing leaks and cracks in concrete and poor..

Is Drainable Wrap Enough?
Providing airflow and drainage behind cladding is the best way to manage moisture in exterior walls. Drainable (bumpy) wraps between..

Where is the Best Place to Insulate Basement Walls – Inside or Outside?
Inside or outside, properly insulated basement walls will save you money on your heating bills and provide a dry, comfortable..

High Quality Building Insulation: An effective way to help reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions
While the International Conference on Climate Change has come and gone (Paris Climate Summit), we at Quik-Therm wanted to bring..

Hybrid Walls – Understanding the Science
Thermodynamics 101: Warm air migrates to cold air. High pressure migrates to low pressure. High moisture migrates to low moisture…

Energy Grants and Incentives Becoming the Way of the Future
Throughout Canada there are various financial rebates and incentives offered for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. Grants can be..

Water Resistant – Another great reason for putting Quik-Therm CIS in your basement
Around 10 years ago (before the development of the Quik-Therm CIS basement system) I insulated the walls of my basement..

Best Way to Insulate Existing Basement Floors
Let’s face it, insulating on top of existing concrete floors is an after thought. If we knew then, what we..

Compare Quik-Therm Solar Dry to Exterior Mineral Wool
Quik-Therm Solar Dry outperforms Mineral Wool. It costs less – is faster and easier to install and the manufacturing process..

Energy efficiency during the holidays
Quik-Therm is passionate about improving the energy efficiency of the buildings where we live and work. It is one of..