Quik-Therm Designs & Manufactures Structural EPS Foam Insulation Systems for Residential & Commercial Walls, Roofs & Floors

Made In Canada

Composite thermal bridge-free structural insulation systems that perform better, install faster and cost less.

Tested by Independent Certified Laboratories. Supported by Leading Building Science Organizations.

It's all about the physics

Over the past 11 years Quik-Therm has collaborated with many of North America’s finest Building Science organizations. As the result of 30+ ASTM C1363 effective R-value system tests, a plethora of air, vapour, structural and fire tests and hygrothermal analysis’s, Quik-Therm has been able to design and develop several physics based, multi-functional weatherization insulation technologies that do more for less … faster.

Innovative Insulation Solutions

Effective E-Value/Virtually Thermal Bridge Free

Morrison & Hershfield’s BETB excerpt:
5.1.157 Quik-Therm Matrix Wall
System. Ro = Effective R-value

QUICK-THERM Matrix System Toolbox

Matrix Roof/Wall/Floor Designs
CAD/ Revit – Cladding Designs Options
Engineering – Fastener Information Rainscreen
Options – Install Guides

QT Matrix Energy Analysis case study

Evoke Buildings Engineering Case Study:
Quik-Therm Matrix assemblies saw an 83% gas utility savings which works out to $1.09 sq/ ft savings

Matrix Vs. Standard Assembly Cost Analysis

Postma Consulting Quantity Surveyor’s Cost Analysis of QT Matrix Wall & Roof Systems vs. Conventional Assembles