It's all about the physics
Over the past 11 years Quik-Therm has collaborated with many of North America’s finest Building Science organizations. As the result of 30+ ASTM C1363 effective R-value system tests, a plethora of air, vapour, structural and fire tests and hygrothermal analysis’s, Quik-Therm has been able to design and develop several physics based, multi-functional weatherization insulation technologies that do more for less … faster.
Innovative Insulation Solutions
Effective E-Value/Virtually Thermal Bridge Free
Morrison & Hershfield’s BETB excerpt:
5.1.157 Quik-Therm Matrix Wall
System. Ro = Effective R-value
QUICK-THERM Matrix System Toolbox
Matrix Roof/Wall/Floor Designs
CAD/ Revit – Cladding Designs Options
Engineering – Fastener Information Rainscreen
Options – Install Guides
QT Matrix Energy Analysis case study
Evoke Buildings Engineering Case Study:
Quik-Therm Matrix assemblies saw an 83% gas utility savings which works out to $1.09 sq/ ft savings
Matrix Vs. Standard Assembly Cost Analysis
Postma Consulting Quantity Surveyor’s Cost Analysis of QT Matrix Wall & Roof Systems vs. Conventional Assembles