Around 10 years ago (before the development of the Quik-Therm CIS basement system) I insulated the walls of my basement..

Around 10 years ago (before the development of the Quik-Therm CIS basement system) I insulated the walls of my basement..
Inside or outside, properly insulated basement walls will save you money on your heating bills and provide a dry, comfortable..
Growing evidence proves wood studs, poly and batt insulation in basements is not only inadequate, it’s hazardous to our health…
Reducing unintentional air leakage (that is, air sealing) through the walls, ceilings and foundations of the house is one of..
Did you know oversized HVAC systems combined with inadequate insulation increase heating & cooling costs significantly. Insulation should be specified..
Other than a building’s structure, insulation is arguably the second most important building design consideration. Buildings that incorporate superior insulation/weatherization..
Albertans who buy new homes will have mandatory warranty coverage under new legislation. The New Home Buyer Protection Act requires..
Rigorous independent testing confirms that the Quik-Therm CIS basement insulation system will make your home or building more comfortable and..
While this past week has given most of us across Canada a reprieve, there is no doubt that throughout December..
The definition of a Net Zero home is a home or building which produces as much energy as it consumes…